Oh well, we move on.
Currently I am:
~ In my last academic year of seminary at Perkins School of Theology
~ A worship leader at the contemporary service at Lover's Lane UMC
~ Still married...and still tremendously happy to be married.
That pretty much sums it up. Unfortunately, much of my time, effort, energy, etc has gone to doing well in school these last two years so I've had to take on a lot of Austin's hobbies cause I don't have time to have my own.
However, I still love the following:
~ Music, both listening and playing. (I'm finally taking real piano lessons)
~ Thrift Shopping. This has become more of an addiction.
~ Baking or cooking, but truthfully I don't have as much time for it as I'd hope.
Anyway, I still miss my family all of the time, but the longer we stay here in Dallas the more we know that we want to travel and live other places before we settle down.
Colorado is pretty much calling our names:
C'mon, who WOULDN'T want to live there?!
So we shall see. I really do want to thrive where I'm at in life, right now I feel like I'm just surviving. God's been so faithful throughout what I consider the most difficult season of my life here at school so I have no doubt that our lives will come together as they should.
Now I shall leave you with music I am currently obsessed with:
Till next time.