These were some sweet Japanese girls that we met when they had their International Student Orientation. We gave them gift bags and inside it had a list of events and they came! They are so great!
There is our dock!
A few of our cooks!
Some new and old faces
Our veterans :)
My handsome Fiance
Our Tuesday night POD (Bible Study) went so well! We had five girls and all of them are "new"
which means they are freshmen or transfers and they are all so excited about learning. We will be studying Women of the Bible, which is something I've never explored before so I believe it will be a good time of learning in my own personal walk too.
Today, went great too. All of the girls returned, except one but we had another new girl so it was the same amount of girls. I just have to keep giving God the glory cause man oh man, I get nervous for no reason and regardless He takes care of all things's so cool cause we've been hanging out with freshmen A LOT. I keep thinking "They like us! They really like us!" haha
Thursdays' meeting was incredible once again. We had a lot of people return from the week before as well as eight new visitors. We heard from the Mexico Mission Trip team and it was so cool to hear the testimonies they had and the videos they made were incredible.
Worship practice had been great too. We have a freshman girl singing with us and it's fun. We're hoping for more talent to come forth.
Our Friday morning Bible study went really well too. There were four of us there and God really moved in our group. I feel priviledged to be a part of this group.
Friday night we had our International Dinner and WOW was it amazing. We had a good group but more than that, I felt like we really connected with the international students. We had friends from Japan, South Korea, Bangladesh, Kenya and a few more. We ate lots of good food too ;)
Somehow I've managed to survive the last two weeks without a car. Thanks to my angels who happened to be my fiance, pastors and friends. But Austin and I went to San Antonio to pick up my car Saturday and had Such an amazing time at church Sunday. I am just so impressed by my youth. They did an amazing job with their drama.
All in all, God has truly been in everything we have done and it's just so overwhelming to see Him move in our group. But of course, in every victory, we have an enemy who is trying to work against us so continue to pray that we would be strengthened and that our hearts and minds would continue to be focused on doing God's will.
In our Friday Bible Study we read a passage Luke 11: 5-13. I had actually read in my quiet time earlier that week and felt like it needed to be shared so I'll go ahead and share here too. I can't help but feel that as Christians sometimes we just assume we will get what we want by simply asking God once and not putting much effort into our request. When I read this scripture, I felt like I had been handling my prayers of petitions in the wrong attitude. Christ says that we must be persistent. That God WANTS to give us the Holy Spirit as our gift and He wants good things for us. However he says "Keep on asking, Keep on looking, Keep on knocking. I was so encouraged to see and understand that even if I wasn't seeing my needs or desires being met, it didn't mean God didn't hear meant that I needed to KEEP praying, requesting, searching. He truly is a good Father who gives good gifts and wants the best for us, His children.
What more do I need?
1 comment:
It sounds like you had a pretty packed week! I'm so proud of you Ani :)
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