Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shades of Gray

I'm taking a study break, blogging and watching New Girl (yes, I wish I was Jess). Somehow I managed to talk my amazing husband into taking my daily outfit pictures. I love them though. He's pretty much my favorite.

I've made a good amount of progress on my research paper, but I still have a final looming over me that I am not even close to being prepared for, so I'm going to get right back to it.

So back to the New Girl...the episode is about a young, delinquent, handbell choir. It is SO United Methodist.

Anyhow, I'm going to get back to it.

{Sweater: Target ($9.99), Skirt: Old, Sweater Tights: ($10.00), Jacket: Target ($19.99) Shoes: Target ($14.99), Necklace: F21 ($4.99), Pin: Thrifted ($.99), Earrings: Thrifted ($.99)}

Oh and by the way:
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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