Monday, January 2, 2012

Back in Gotham

Yes, friends, I'm back in the Big D, aka Gotham, after being gone for two weeks. The city welcomed me back with open arms and gorgeous weather.

Hello new year! I am excited and pleased with how this year is already going. I am content for so many reasons and there is much to be thankful for that occurred in 2011. It is an understatement to say that I feel blessed. Life is truly good and I'm committed to making the most of it.

Here are a few resolutions that I'm hoping to stick to:

1) Focus on reaching my goal weight by eating well and exercising (duh, right?) I didn't gain any weight over the holidays, but I also didn't lose so that changes now.
2) Be more productive (i.e. use free time wisely)
3) Make studying a priority so that my last semester of grad school is my best!
4) Quit hating on living in Dallas. I really need to work on this one and just appreciate where I'm at.
5) Push my creativity to the next level (whatever level that may be). This blog is definitely a part of that.
and finally...
6) Grow in relationships/friendships with old, new and future friends.

Yeah, these are slightly general and mildly generic, but for me, they are quite personal. Even before the new year, I knew they were goals that I needed to work toward so what better time than now?

Anyhow, I spent the day shopping and taking pictures at the Latino Cultural Center. I figured I was allowed since I'm Latina and all. I went to Urban Outfitters after receiving an email saying that they were having 50% off already reduced items. I'm glad I went because I wound up with some great items for $5 a Urban...seriously. It was crazy. Even the manager who checked me out told me I should be grateful because the sale was initially supposed to end yesterday. So I am grateful, indeed. There are rarely times that I EVER buy anything at UO because 1) when I was chunkier I didn't fit into any of their clothes because they're clothes are made for stick figures so I resented them 2) Most of what they sell is aimed to look vintage and I can find that at the thrift store priced 97.4% less that what they sell their clothing for. Ok, enough of my tirade.

Hope every has a wonderful start to this new year. Let's not take one moment for granted!


{Dress: Plato's Closet ($8.00), Cardigan: Thrifted [Mossimo] ($3.99), Tights: Merona ($10.00), Flats: H&M ($12.95))

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