Sunday, January 6, 2013

Giraffe Obsessed

So some of my poses in these pictures seriously look like Senior Portraitss.  My husband was gracious enough to take these, by the way.  He's pretty much the best.  I're jealous...but you can go get your own.

So I may be a little giraffe obsessed lately.  It started with my iPhone case, pictured here.  Then I found this dress at Ross for $9.99.  I also recently purchased some earrings that are little elephant heads. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm animal obsessed.  I suppose I need to take an African safari soon or maybe I just need to watch the Lion King.  

Love Sunday afternoons.  They allow me to lie around the house and do nothing and after a busy week, it is much appreciated it. 

{Dress: Ross ($9.99), Coat: old (Gift), Shoes: Thrifted ($3.99), Tights: Target ($5.00)} 

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