Thursday, January 12, 2012

Matchy Matchy

It is a gorgeous day in Dallas, TX.  It's quite cold, but the sun makes up for it.

Yes, we are serious about recycling.

 Austin took most of the pictures because he's had half days all week which makes me one happy wife.

Tried not to match today, but it just didn't happen.  My fashion challenge is to make things more interesting by mixing it up and not be so matchy matchy, but I really love this outfit and the way it came together.  It just happened to match really well. 

With that being said, I have not much to say here except for one funny story.

I started a new job this week and I'm working in youth ministry. For whatever reason (there are many), I was super nervous about meeting all of them last night.  I hopped in the car with my Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper (which is really a red/brownish color) and immediately went for a sip...which missed my mouth and spilt all over my shirt.  The shirt was, of course, off white and navy stripes.  I began to have a quick "freak out" moment until I remembered that I'd thrifted earlier that day and had to try on clothes over my shirt because there weren't any dressing rooms and one floral tank actually looked kind of cool on top of it.  So once I arrived to the church, I threw on the shirt, regained what was left of my confidence and had a spectacular night.

So what I'm trying to say is...thrifting saved my night.  HAHA. 

Ok, going to spend time with the hubster, hubs, hubby hub hubens, hubs mcgubs.  Ok, seriously, that's enough. Goodbye.

{Dress: Plato's Closet [Forever 21] ($6.00), Sweater: Thrifted [Merona] ($2.59), Boots: Target ($34.00), Leg Warmers: American Apparel (Groupon for $25), Tights: ?, Flower headband: Old Navy ($5.95), Pin: Thrifted ($.99)}


out of order said...

those tights, they seem so toasty! haha, I like alliteration, too ;)

Happy weekend ani!


Carisa Trejo said...

You rock those leg warmers girl!